
第01回 内藤コンファレンス


開催期間 1991年10月28日(月)~1991年10月31日(木)
場所 内藤記念くすり博物館・内藤記念ホール(岐阜県)
参加人数 招待講演者:20名



Protein Translocation across Prokaryotic Membranes

  1. A Genetic Description of Secretion Pathway in Escherichia coli.
    [Thomas Shilhavy]
    Department of Biology, Princeton University, USA
  2. Molecular Mechanisms of Protein Secretion in Escherichia coli: Reconstitution Studies.
    [Shoji Mizushima]
    Institute of Applied Microbiology, The University of Tokyo, Japan
  3. Enzymology of Protein Secretion and Membrane Assembly in Escherichia coli.
    [William Wickner]
    Molecular Biology Institute, University of Califormia, Los Angeles, USA
  4. Factors Participating in Protein Translocation across and Folding outside the Bacterial Cytoplasmic Membrane
    [Koreaki Ito]
    Department of Cell Biology, Institute for Virus Research, Kyoto University, Japan
  5. Assembly of Membrane Proteins in Escherichia coli.
    [Gunnar von Heijne]
    Department of Molecular Biology, Karolinska Institute Center for Biotechnology, Sweden

Protein Translocation across ER Membranes

  1. Structural Requirements for the Integration of Proteins into Endoplasmic Reticulum Membrane
    [Tsuneo Omura]
    Department of Molecular Biology, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyushu University, Japan
  2. Protein Targeting to the Endoplasmic Reticulum
    [Peter Walter]
    Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco, USA
  3. Protein Components of the Translocation Apparatus in the ER Membrane
    [Randy Schekman]
    Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Vesicular Transport of Proteins

  1. Mechanism of GTP-driven Vesicular Transport between ER and Golgi
    [Akihiko Nakano]
    Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Japan
  2. Intracellular Distribution and Transport of Protein Disulfide Isomerase(PDI)
    [Yutaka Tashiro, Akitsugu Yamamoto, Tamotsu Yoshimori and Hiroto Takemoto]
    Department of Physiology, Kansai Medical Univestity, Japan
  3. Intracellular Membrane Protein Traffic in Epithelial Cells
    [David Sabatini]
    Department of Cell Biology, New York University Medical Center, USA
  4. Perturbation by Brefeldin A of Protein Transport between the Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Golgi Complex
    [Yukio Ikehara]
    Department of Biochemistry, Fukuoka Universtiy School of Medicine, Japan

Import of Proteins into Peroxisomes

  1. Translocation of Proteins into Peroxisomes
    [Paul B. Lazarow]
    Department of Cell Biology / Anatomy, The Mount Sinai Medical Center, USA
  2. Biogenesis of Peroxisome: Peroxisome-Deficient Disorders and Peroxisome Assembly Factor
    [Yukio Fujiki]
    Laboratory of Molecular Cell Biology, Meiji Institute of Health Science, Japan
  3. Translocation of Peroxisomal Proteins in Higher Plant Cells
    [Mikio Nishimura]
    Department of Cell Biology, National Institute for Basic Biology, Japan

Import of Proteins into Mitochondoria

  1. Intramitochondrial Sorting and Refolding of Proteins Imported from the Cytoplasm
    [Gottfried Schatz]
    Biozentrum der Universitat Basel, Switzerland
  2. Function of Prosequence Binding Factor(PBF) in Protein Transport into Mitochindria
    [Masataka Mori and Kaoru Murakami]
    Institute for Mecical Genetics, Kumamoto Universtity Medical School, Japan
  3. Proteinaceous Factors Required for the Import of Mitochindrial Proteins
    [Syozo Tuboi]
    Department of Biochemistry, Yamagata Univesity School of Medicine, Japan
  4. Targering Proteins to Mitochindria
    [Walter Neupert]
    Institut fur Physiologicshe Chemie, der Univesitat Munchen, Germany