
第02回 内藤コンファレンス

細胞における蛋白質移行 [II]

開催期間 1992年10月25日(日)~1992年10月28日(水)
場所 内藤記念くすり博物館・内藤記念ホール(岐阜県)
参加人数 招待講演者:21名



Molecular Chaperones in Intracellular Protein Traffic

  1. Folding and Unfolding of Proteins in the Endoplasmic Reticulum
    [Ari Helenius]
    Yale University School of Medicine, USA
  2. Involvement of the Stress rotein HSP47 in Procollagen Processing in the ER: A Model for Substrate-specific Molecular Chaperone
    [Kazuhiro Nagata]
    Chest Disease Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan
  3. A Cytosolic ATP-dependent Conformational Modulator for Mitochondrial Precursor Proteins
    [Katsuyoshi Mihara]
    Graduate School of Mecical Science, Kyushu University, Japan

Molecular Mechanism of Vesicle Transport

  1. G Protein Regulation of Vesicular Transport between the Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Gilgi Complex
    [William E. Balch]
    The Scripps Research Institute, USA
  2. Regulation of Vesicular Membrane Traffic between ER and Golgi.
    [Akihiko Nakano]
    Faculty of Science, Univestity of Tokyo, Japan
  3. Both Gs α and βγ subunits of the Heterotrimeric G protein, Gs Control the Transcytosis of the Poly-Immunoglobulin Receptor
    [Morgane Bomsel]
    Pasteur Institute, France
  4. Fusion Between Endosomes and Autolysosomes in a Cell-free System
    [Masaru Himeno]
    Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan

Mechanism of Protein Translocation across Membranes

  1. Components and Mechanisms Involved in Protein Translocation across the ER Membrane
    [Tom A. Rapoport]
    Max-DelbruckーCentrum fur Moleculare Medizin, Germany
  2. Oligosaccaryltransferase and the SRP Receptor: Structural and Functional Analysis of Two COmponents of the ER translocation
    [Reid Gilmore]
    University of Massachusetts Mecical Schoool, USA
  3. Biochemical Studies of E. coli Protein Translocation Machinery Reconstituted from Purified Sec Proteins
    [Hajime Tokuda]
    Institute of Applied Microbiology, University of Tokyo, Japan
  4. The Sec A and Sec Y Subunits of Translocase are the Nearest Neighbors of the Translocating Preprotein
    [John C. Joly]
    Molecular Biology Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Protein Import into Mitochindria and Chloroplasts

  1. Transport of Proteins to and across the Envelope Membranes of Chloroplasts
    [Kenneth Keegstra]
    Department of Botany, Univesity of Wisconsin, USA
  2. Plastid Import and Fe-S Cluster Assembly of Ferredoxin Isoproteins in Higher Plant Cells
    [Toshiharu Hase]
    Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, Japan
  3. Pathways and Components of Protein Import in Mitochindria
    [Roland Lill]
    Institut fur Physiologische Chemie der Universitat Munchen, Germany
  4. Protein Components Participating in the Import of Mitochondrial Protein Precursors
    [Hideyu Ono]
    Yamagata Univesity School of Medicine, Japan
  5. Generic Characterization of Sorting to the Mitochondrial Intermembrane Space
    [Ellen M. Beasley]
    Biozentrum der Universitat Basel, Switzerland

Special Topics in Intracellular Protein Translocation Studies

  1. Mechanism of Post-translational Sorting of Proteins into Endoplasmic Reticulum Membrane
    [Akio Ito]
    Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Japan
  2. Insertion of Microsomal Aldehyde Dehydrogenase into ER membrane
    [Ryuichi Masaki]
    Kansai Medical University, Japan
  3. Transcriptional Determination of Dual Organelle Localization of Rat Liver Serine: Pyruvate / Alanine: Glyoxylate Aminotransferase
    [Toshiaki Oda]
    Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Japan
  4. Molecular Evolution of Alanine: Glyoxylate Aminotransferase. Intracellular Targeting and Its Relationship to Disease
    [Christopher J. Danpure]
    MRC Clunical Research Centre, UK
  5. In Vivo Import of Firefly Luciferase into the Glycosomes of Trypanosoma Brucei and Mutational Analysis of the C-Terminal Targeting Signal
    [Ching Chung Wang]
    Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of California, San Francisco, USA