
第03回 内藤コンファレンス

細胞における蛋白質移行 [III]

開催期間 1993年11月02日(火)~1993年11月05日(金)
場所 内藤記念くすり博物館・内藤記念ホール(岐阜県)
参加人数 招待講演者:31名



Protein Folding in Translocation

  1. Control of Protein Folding during Translocation across the Membranes
    [Toshiya Endo]
    Nagoya University, Japan
  2. Recognition of Nascent Chains for Targeting and Folding
    [Lila M. Gierasch]
    University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA
  3. The Structural States of Globular Proteins Recognized by the Chaperonin GroEL
    [Kunihiro Kuwajima]
    University of Tokyo, Japan
  4. Mechanisms of Chaperone-Assisted Protein Folding
    [Franz-Ulrich Hartl]
    Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, USA
  5. Function of Collagen-specific Molecular Chaperone, HSP47
    [Kazuhiro Nagata]
    Kyoto University, Japan

Protein Translocation across Membranes

  1. GTPase Domain Mutants of the Signal Recognition particle in Saccaromyces Cerevisiae: Isolation and Characterization
    [Yoshihiro Amaya]
    Yokohama City University, Japan
  2. Signal Sequence Recognition in Protein Translocation across the Membrane of the Endoplasmic Reticulum
    [Bernhard Dobberstein]
    University of Heidelberg, Germany
  3. Protein Translocation and Integration Components in the Escherichia Coli Membrane
    [Sanford M. Simon]
    Rockefeller University, USA
  4. Genetic Dissection of the Protein Translocation and Integration Components of the E. coli Membrane
    [Koreaki Ito]
    Kyoto University, Japan
  5. E. coli Preprotein Translocase
    [William Tobey Wickner]
    Dartmouth Medical School, USA
  6. Molecular Mechanisms of Protein Translocation across the Cytoplasmic Membrane in Escherichia Coli
    [Shoji Mizushima]
    Tokyo College of Pharmacy, Japan

Vesicular Transplrt (I)

  1. COPs: Coat Proteins Essential in Membrane Transport between the ER and Golgi Complex
    [Thomas E. Kreis]
    Universite de Geneve, Switzerland
  2. Molecular Mechanisms of Dynamic Vesicular Traffic between ER and Golgi
    [Akihiko Nakano]
    University of Tokyo, Japan
  3. The Role of Membrane Traffic in the Localization and Dynamics of the Golgi Complex
    [Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz]
    National Institute of Health, USA
  4. Transport and Localization of the Proprotein-processing Enzyme Furin to the Golgi Complex
    [Yukio Ikehara]
    Fukuoka University, Japan
  5. Cell Type Specificity in Golgi Retention or Varidation in Controlling Protein Exit from the Golgi
    [Wanjin Hong]
    National University of Singapore, Singapore

Vesicular Transport (II)

  1. Signal Transduction Complex Essential for Protein Sorting in the Yeast Secretory Pathway
    [Scott D. Emr]
    University of California, San Diego, USA
  2. From Budding to Fusion: Sequential Steps in Vesicular Transport
    [Thomas Sollner]
    Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, USA
  3. Rab3A, Rabphilin-3A and Rab GDI
    [Yoshimi Takai]
    Kobe University, Japan
  4. Regulation of Exocytosis in Yeast
    [Peter Novick]
    Yale University, USA
  5. Molecular Sorting of Membrane Proteins during Intracellular Transport
    [Ira Mellman]
    Yale University, USA
  6. Sorting of Surface Proteins and Lipids in the Trans Golgi Network of MDCK Cells
    [Kai Simons]
    European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany

Nuclear Targeting

  1. The Correlation of Structure and Function of Nuclear Targeting Signals: The Signal is Usually Patched
    [Masato Tanaka]
    Mitsubishi Kasei Institute of Life Sciences, Japan
  2. Regulation of Nuclear Import of v-Jun by Phosphorylation
    [Kazuhiro Chiba]
    University of Tokyo, Japan
  3. Nuclear Transport Pathways
    [David S. Goldfarb]
    University of Rochester, USA
  4. Analysis of Molecules Involved in Nuclear Protein Transport
    [Yoshihiro Yoneda]
    Osaka University, Japan
  5. Biochemical Analysis of Nuclear Protein Import
    [Larry Gerace]
    The Scripps Research Institute, USA

Protein Import into Mitochondria

  1. Protein Import into Mitochondria in Higher Animals : Structure and Function of Cytosolic Factor(s)
    [Masataka Mori]
    Kumamoto University, Japan
  2. Gene Products Which Interact with Isp42p, an Outer Membrane Protein Required for Import
    [Michael G. Douglas]
    University of North Carolina, USA
  3. Cytosolic Protein Factor Required for Mitochondrial Protein Import
    [Tsuneo Omura]
    Kyushu University, Japan
  4. Translocation of Preproteins across the Mitochondrial Membranes
    [Nickolaus Pfanner]
    Albert-Lutwigs-University, Germany